Sunday 29 August 2010

Random updates on things

Quick post concerning everything that's happened in the last two weeks or so in regards to me.

1. I have seen Inception, it is glorious!

2. I have been neglecting the webcomic, I know. Someone please rap my knuckles for it...

3. But, hang on, I wouldn't be able to draw then...

4. I'm getting off topic.

5. I has been on holiday to Whitby. It were fun and inspiring. For some reason I always have found Whitby inspiring...

6. Probably the timelessness of it and the Abbey always looks spectacular.

7. And decent vampires come from there!

8. There's also lots of pubs. That's always a plus!

9. I also saw The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus. It too was a very good film, and again one from the now defunct UKFC. May give it another watch, just to see what I liked about it.

10. I went for two potential jobs on different film crews in Yorkshire. I didn't get either of them.

11. I should really be working on getting stuff for a little interweb short of my own sorted. My second to date.

12. I believe over the next week or so I shall be off to see The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

13. I have been neglecting the webcomic.

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