Thursday 2 September 2010

Lost Season 1: A Review/ Summary/ Thing (SPOILERS ABOUNDS)

So, long after the whole thing is over, the final season has now finished and is probably out on DVD by the time you read this (probably), I have finally gotten 'round to seeing what the fuss is all about! For this I would like to thank my good friend Saz for lending us the box-set. And about the spoiler thing, yes I know it's long after anything could possibly be spoiled on Lost, but you never know.

Firstly, the concept is a fascinating one. Bit boring on the face of it, Survivors of a plane crash on a desert island. But then you have the twist that the island's weird. Very weird. I like the whole it's a mysterious island with normal people dropped head first into the freaky shit. Mysterious island... I'm sure there's some Jules Verne connection there... Anyway, despite the lack of giant chickens, the prog was an interesting one. Instead of focussing on the island being weird, they put all the emphasis on the characters which has begun to appeal to me. I'm a bit of a misanthrope, so it's rare for me to like people outside my social circle. (Nothing personal to anyone, I just have issues with idiotic strangers, you'd be surprised how many are out there!)

I'll get my negative points out of the way first. The length of the season. I'm not overly keen on the whole 22+ episodes format. It's all well and good for some things, but god can it drag scenes out... It felt like some of the episodes were there for obvious filler, not that there's owt wrong, but it did feel like there were some eps which weren't needed. After that, I didn't really have many complaints with it. There were odd moments where I desperately wanted them to get on with it. But overall I did like it.

The locations were beautiful, it was much nicer to watch it when you didn;t have to look at interchangeable grey buildings, which some progs suffer from. As well it also helped when odd things happened like the polar bears. Yes, plural. But you're not interested in the pretty pretty backdrops of Oahu. You want to know what I thought of the story and the characters. So the story, after said plane crash we meet our heroes! Who I will get to momentarily. So, plane crashes on island, people scramble around to survive. They make friends, begin to prep for the long haul and so on. As they go exploring they find in order, a transmission repeating a distress call from a french woman, a polar bear, boars, another polar bear, a breifcase full of guns, some caves to live in, an 'Other', a concrete hatch in the middle of the jungle and another plane full of drugs. Oh, and some big clanky monster made of black smoke, but he doesn't show up til the end. Are giant amorphous smoke monsters male of female, or are they gender neutral? Anyway... During all this we also learn about our survivors through flashbacks! Seems everyone had issues which they were running away from/to/whatever. Some were fascinating, others not so much, but they were very well rounded and thought out. Still wish they'd had a bit more on Hurley.

Now then, the survivors. Wasn't too keen on Sawyer, he got on my wick... Not sure why, maybe it was that was an arrogant cock-jockey. But he didn't do owt for me, I felt a little for him after they revealed a bit of his backstory, but not enough to fully care. Still he did have moments.
Kate and Jack, they seem to pretty much be the main couple. Jack had a bit of old-school hero about him, all square-jaw and clay footed. Bit boring in that respect, but I get him. He's a doctor so he's always got that altruistic streak. Same for Kate, the good- bad girl. The con with the heart of gold, found myself feeling a touch sorry for her all this shit and it's still happening to her. Sawyer didn't help there... I smiled a lot when Jin and Sun made up during Exodus part 1. I really wanted them to at least be friends after that messy break up thing earlier in the series. They were cool.

My favourite characters of the series by far had to be Hurley, Charlie and Locke. Hurley was great! While you had the other 'pretty' cast members running like giant headless chickens, you've got Hurley there keeping up people's morale! He built them a golf course for god's sake! That was brilliant! Also, I liked how as well as compiling a list of the survivors, and helping keep up spirits and reading semi-eulogies during the main funerals, he was earnest! He knew he couldn't do much, but he still tried, bless him. Charlie has the same thing going, that earnestness. As well as being a British rock star (is there any other sort in American popular fiction?) he also got through his heroin addiction. I think. That one scene in the last ep... But still, it was nice him bonding with the lovely Claire. And being nice and friendly with the others. And Locke. Mr Mystery. This former paraplegic survivalist is the most intriguing character by far. He does genuinely want to help the rest of the 815 Survivors, but I don't think it necessarily means getting them off the island. As well, he adds to the weirdness of the Island, how does a guy who was in a wheelchair get up and walk around? Still interested to know why he knows so much about survivalism, not much cop for it being a paraplegic box company employee...

So, yeah I liked it! I'm curious as to what happens next and I hope it does make sense to me in the end. It had one or two little niggles, some characters I don't think were necessary. Some eps it could have done without but overall a very good and well made series so far! I may do another on the next season, so keep checking!

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