Friday 5 November 2010

I Believe I Have A Newfound Respect For Comic Artists...

Now, I already had a lot of respect for them. But since I started doing my own web comic (, I have a LOT more...

Sequential Story-telling is such a hard thing to master! Personally, I don't think I've quite got the hang of it yet. But it is incredible what some artists out there have accomplished! I'd say personally my stuff's basic by comparison, or just below I don't know. And the speed! It's amazing how fast some of these guys can work. Me and Mike have taken a brief hiatus so I can catch up with myself, if you get me. Because as I've said previously on this mess of a blog, it takes a lot of attention does this baby. I was, for a while rushing a page, so it'd be ready for the next week! And I had work and other commitments on top of that! I'm surprised I haven't abandoned it yet! So, for the next couple of weeks Mike'll be sorting out some sort of filler material for the sole purpose of giving me (and him suppose, what with the colouring and all...) the opportunity to make like tomato sauce! And by that I mean catch up...

That said, keep checking Tangent for updates!

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