Monday 18 October 2010

My Busy Week, incl. Rockula, Chester, and Pirate Metal

So, yeah this past week's been a bit hectic.... I should start when it officially started for me, Last Friday!

Friday 8th October
I left at around 10 in the morning and headed off to Leeds, and then to Manchester, and Chester. Trains are ace! No seriously, I prefer them to buses, there's less hassle and rocking around. Much more pleasant journey. After arriving in Chester I promptly met up with a group of approx. 30 friends for a huge geekend!

Saturday 9th October
Geekend continues, we watched many films of varying quality. Including the awesomeness that is Rockula! No seriously, check out this film, it's ace! It's a vampire rom-com musical! In which a vampire named Ralph has to rescue his true love. Ressurected every 22 years only to be killed by a pirate. Who has a rhinestone pegleg. And a ham bone... So, he starts a band! It's bloody brilliant, the songs are funny and well produced and Toni Basil plays Ralph's mum, Phoebe! She's.... strange. But really track it down, it's well worth the effort!
In that same night, we also had a costume party, in which I was a Black Lantern version of myself. I'm proud of the costume. If anyone wants to see the results, watch my DevART page for a comparison between the design and final product...

Sunday 10th October
Pretty much the same, minus the costume party. But it had added Twilight-bashing and Dean-from-Supernatural in a daft rom-com, which had Clea Duvall as a tomato-girl!

Monday 11th October
Headed back to Lovely, lovely Leeds! Got up at 9, finally got back home at 3:30! The good thing was I wasn't hallucinating this time around (Don't ask.)!

Tuesday 12th October
Nothing much happened, spent most of the day catching up with things, the internet primarily. And began to draw the web comic. To date, it's still not done. Then at some point after 5 I headed off to Leeds for a Fantasy Art thing.

Wednesday 13th October
Went down to Bradford with my best mate and his girlfriend and went on the Uni Radio. Listen to ...And Be Done With It on RAMAIR 13.50 AM! Wednesday's 7-9pm! It's brilliant! There plugging out the way. The web comic's still not done. We went to the pub after, and the new studio's looking nearly there!

Thursday 14th October
Met my new girlfriend (Hi Nic, if you're reading! xx) and headed down the White Rose with her and her older Sister after a brief meeting at hers. Then I went down town. The comic's still not done. Noticing a pattern, Ladies and gents?

Friday 15th October
Hung out with my girlfriend, my best friend and his girlfriend. Not much, but STFU, this is my blog, I can talk about what ever bollocks I want!

Saturday 16th October
Started the day at 7:30, I had work at 8.... Ugh, I know people say they hate their bosses, but really. One of mine is an absolute cunt. May the bastard die screaming horribly. Fuck him, fuck his bad attitude and moronic decisions. The man has no idea how to run a supermarket! I could run it better than him, and I think he knows it... Anyway, after I finished at 5. Went home, got changed and left at 5:15. To go to Sheffield.
To one of the best nights of the year! I went to see one of my favourite bands ever. ALESTORM! Support one of the bands I do actually quite like, SABATON! They were ace! Yes, me and my mates got a bit lost on the way, but we right up there at the front, rocking and getting slightly crushed to songs like Captain Morgan's Revenge, Uprising, Cliffs of Galipoli and Keelhauled! Guess whose songs are whose... Yes, it was an amazing night out, despite my ears ringing and my voice slightly hoarse. My back weirdly, never felt better! Oh, and I met the band as well!

Sunday, we had a stock take, but that left me bitter and threatening horrific acts of hubris on my superiors involving pencils and ropes and stuffed owls...

And that is why I haven't got the next page of the web comic up!

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