Friday 24 June 2011

It's D'n'D!!!

Yes, much like the song, myself and some of my mates begun playing DnD! I know, I know, ultimate geek cred there. So yeah, DnD, we're enjoying it for our first ever campaign. The Dungeon Master's got more of a sense of humour than the stereotypes make out and the fact it's rare me and my friends take owt like this seriously have made for quite an amusing game! So, to sum up our adventures so far...

I have joined this little world as a human Ranger, my friends have chosen to play as a gnome, an elf and a dwarf. Called Barry. I've taken the name Jim, to sound equally as hard/idiotic. And we have already saved a town from pirates and witnessed such sights as a small village called Seawoll, not Seaworld which has a mighty Bearded Whale as a tourist attraction! And fought valiantly against a Calzolem! Part- pizza-based food item, part-golem, all badger-smushing bastard...

And so continues our quest, for honour, glory and Russian Roulette brothel-trailing! As our game continues so shall something of a game journal... If I can be arsed.

Thursday 23 June 2011

I've just realised I've been neglecting this...

Yeah... Been distracted by many things, work, real-life, twitter, porn... So many fascinating things on the internet dedicated to wasting time, it's amazing! Let's see what's been happening?...

Oh, I've finally uploaded some new youtube videos! Starring my brother and I, we basically parody games. Might do some more when we have the ideas and money for props. Also, may start this whole internet reviewing thing we've been kicking plans around for. And the parody songs, oh the parody songs! Credit where credit is due, Weird Al is amazingly talented. I've been struggling for the past month or so since coming up with the main bulk of the song, but a Mario parody is bloody hard to write when you're not a gamer. Also the webcomic is still sort of going strong.

I will get back to writing and updating properly tomorrow, hopefully. I'll be sober then.