Saturday 19 March 2011

Frankenstein in Leeds and Wonder Woman's return to the Telly Box

So, two things today.

Caught the last hour of the BBC's Frankenstein's Wedding Live In Leeds tonight. Now admittedly, it's a bit daft to try and review something I haven't seen the entirety of. But I don't care, I can't be arsed watching the thing on iPlayer. So anyway, if you're not familiar with the original story basically, Victor Frankenstein makes a monster out of dead bodies and brings it to life. The Monster ends up accidentally killing some people and runs away. Not before demanding Frankenstein make him a companion, or he'll kill Victor's bride on their Wedding Day. Things go tits up, obviously, and Frankenstein ends up dying in his creation's arms. It's a wonderful story and I do recommend you check it out. Anyway! The Live show was shot at Kirkstall Abbey which is a lovely place by the way, and starred Lacey Turner (from Eastenders)as Victor's bride. I can't remember anyone else in it and the only reason I know who she is is because of Being Human.

So, on with the show! When I came into it, Victor was already about to marry Elizabeth and the creature was on his way to the Abbey and his (hopeful) new bride. The acting was impressive and very well done for a live performance, I don't know how long they'd rehearsed but it showed they had. And despite a few little niggles with sound it worked quite well technically. Wasn't sure about some of the song choices and the creature's make-up was quite good for budget and a fair bit conservative. Overall it was a good hour and a half and nice to see something shot in my hometown.

Now, Wonder Woman's new duds...

Looks like a Halloween costume, doesn't it? Not sure what the idea behind it was, but it looks terrible. I'll start at the beginning, they're making a new Wonder Woman telly show. In which she's got two secret ids, which make three in total. Diana Prince, ambassador to Themyscria Island, Wonder Woman obviously and a CEO of some big company. What we know so far about the pilot, she goes on about the size of her breasts... THE SIZE OF HER BREASTS! I'll give you a moment to register that. An Amazon Warrior who has God-like powers who wants to better the world is concerned about her cleavage.... Not sure, but I think they've missed the mark a little bit. Now the problems with her costume. It looks like something out of a 90's comic book film, the plastic-y looking tiara, belt-thingy and eagle and the PVC don't really work. It's looks cheap and like something you'd buy from a sex shop. During a Sale. For a BOGOF. I saw a photoshopped fan design for a costume which looked like someone had tweaked Xena's costume a while ago, it looked better than this! Muted colours, traditional Romanesque aesthetic, it worked. This... doesn't.

I foresee fail for this TV Series....