Monday 26 July 2010

Here lies the UKFC....

Read this and feel angry at the fools behind this decision...

Now, I've never been the biggest fan of any government we've had over the past however long I've been aware of politics. But this takes the cake of jaffa. The main investing body behind a lot of British films is being cut from the budget. Now, I've always wanted to work in the film industry and I'm struggling as it is to find a door to put my foot in, this is just making it harder to find an open door. How is a young man such as myself supposed to get a foothold in an industry where it's hard to stay in work and near impossible if you don't know anyone? Which I don't! If I'd had a film with a producer and some small backers behind it, I could probably have got some more funds for helping make it the best I possibly could.

It's been claimed by the Culture Secretary that this and 16 other public bodies "would lose their funding as the government committed to "increasing the transparency and accountability of its public bodies, while at the same time reducing their number and cost"." What I don't get is why get rid of somethig which was doing well? They had their best year ever and made millions and now the government's getting rid of it without thinking about the future. Bloody typical.

Anyway, I'm probably going to be following this if it goes anywhere. I'm still annoyed that the government picked that for scrappage so quickly. Still though, if like me, you enjoy great British films like This Is England or In The Loop or anything like them. Please do something to stop this idiotic decision.

I promise my next rant will be more bile-filled and coherent.

About The Comic

Firstly, thanks to all who are reading it, it's not easy but at least the fact we're getting readers and hits and other 'tech stuff I can only vaguely understand (Michael explains it, but only some of it makes sense), shows that it is not in vain. But when we inevitably start to fall behind on updates and such, please bear in mind neither of us are doing it professionally. We both have jobs and other things on. I will try to keep up with the illustrations and I will endeavour to kick Michael whenever necessary in regards to colours and such. Still keep reading!

Friday 23 July 2010

An explanation and introduction

Hello, I'm the Loiterer and welcome to my little soapbox.

First things first, the title. A Pinch Of Salt. This pretty much describes how best to take anything you read here. I am sometimes prone to angry, slightly insane rants which may offend people. Please note, that is not my intention, I'm just like that. Other than that, I'll probably use this to describe anything that happens on the interwebs, on or whatever is currently getting on my wick. So... That's all I can think of at the moment, Hope you all like it!